BSure understands that the annual advance payment of your insurance premiums can be a significant drain on your savings. That is why at BSure, you can pay your premiums per month*. It makes it easier for you to keep track of your payments and it rules out any surprises.
And the best part is: there is no extra charge! For more information, please send us an email to If you don't do it for yourself, do it for your piggy bank.
* with exception of the BSure One-Time Travel and Construction All Risks Insurance
BSure collects the premium on the 28th of each month. Our payment process goes automatically, therefore it's not possible to change the collection date. We advise you to always have sufficient funds in your account so we can collect on the 28th. If the premium cannot be collected you will not be insured.
Yes. You can choose to pay your premiums per month or per year.
No, this is not possible. At BSure we collect the premium on the 28th of the month. This process goes automatically.